A Mother's Pride
Chris Anderson

Disclaimer: Alias is the property of other people, including J.J. Abrams and Bad Robot productions.

Written for the Theatrical Muse 'proudest moment' challenge.


Her daughter saved the world tonight. Everything Irina Derevko has done since the early years after Sydney's birth, all the sacrifices she has made, all the sins committed for which there can be no forgiveness- all of it has been leading to this moment.

To this day she does not know if she told the truth in Mexico, if Sydney was in fact the Chosen One, or if she had lied. For all that she has studied the mysteries and enigmas of Rambaldi's work, Irina is no closer to that answer now than she was years ago. But she told Sydney that she had been chosen.

For once, whether she spoke the truth or not does not matter. What mattered then, and what matters now, is that Sydney began to believe, then, with her mother's words, that she might, in fact, be the Chosen One.

She began to believe, as after that year she had begun to trust, so that when the time came, there was no hesitation, no doubt. Years ago Irina had asked her daughter to trust her, and tonight, in Sovogda, she has done it.

Irina remembers holding a baby in her arms, remembers meeting nearly thirty years later a bitter girl- and sees now the beautiful, strong young woman her daughter has grown to be, and she is proud. Proud to have had a hand in raising her, proud of all Sydney has done.

Proud, more than anything else, of all that Sydney is, all that she has become.

She has never in her life felt more pride than she does tonight, looking at he daughter, at her family, one last time before she walks away.


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