Chris Anderson

Disclaimer: Alias is the property of other people, including J.J. Abrams and Bad Robot productions.

Written for the Theatrical Muse 'guilty indulgences' challenge.


She remembers guilt, of course, but she doesn't feel it much these days. Why would she? She made her choices, and if perhaps some of them were wrong (she's not sure she will admit to this) it is still over and done, and there is no changing it now.

And yet the question presses upon her. Indulgences... What does she indulge herself with, that perhaps she should not?

Perhaps her guiltiest indulgence is her family- this pretense at a normal life, when she has none, and no right to one. Watching over her daughter, the way that a mother should, loving her husband, yet still being exasperated by him at times...

A pretense of normalcy is Irina's greatest indulgence.

Everything else is simple necessity.


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